For Sale:
- Holsteiner Mare
- 2006, 16.2 hands
- 3rd level, schooling PSG
- Landstreicher X Hertie
FEI potential in this powerful and talented mare! She was a jumper most her life, but the last two years has had a focus on dressage. Forced to sell due to owners pregnancy. She has a world class trot, and solid walk and canter. She's very athletic, good hearted, and has a real future in the sport at the top levels. Soft mouth, good forward minded work, fun suspension, and sensitive to the aids. Not a beginners horse, but will be great for a competitive amateur or pro. Has shown a little but more is a prospect and need of a quick sale, thus the price being lower than the quality. Goes out on trail, easy on the ground, very affectionate and not marish in behavior. A horse it's really hard to let go of! Still jumps some, and has great talent for jumping as well. Would be a super horse for a JR/YR! It's a wonderful opportunity to own a quality horse at a reasonable pice. My loss is your gain! Due to Pregnancy nearing, Wasabi is still for sale and in training down in Southern California.
Call for Price and questions or to set up an apt to try Wasabi: Jenifer Zakhary 951-403-8641 or email