Daniel Ighani becomes a USHJA Certified Trainer

"Congratulations! You are among many distinguished applicants to the USHJA Trainer Certification Program to complete the requirements and become certified."


The USHJA Trainer Certification Program was developed to preserve the American Hunter/Jumper Forward Riding System by offering a comprehensive educational program for professional horse trainers. Becoming a Certified Trainer confirms a commitment to continuing professional development, which leads to an ever-increasing group of well-rounded and knowledgeable horsemen.

In order to receive and maintain certification, trainers are tested on a broad spectrum of relevant professional information, including training techniques, safety of horse and rider, horsemanship skills and business ethics. The hope of the TCP Committee is the knowledge imparted during the Trainer Certification process will be passed along from the trainers to the students, who are the future of the equine industry.
